Thursday, February 2, 2012

Three Years Ago

Three years ago almost to this very day my heart was totally completely broken. It was ugly. It took me over a year of anger, loneliness, frustration and questioning God to come to grips with my new single life. Even then, it still hurt.

Looking back I'm speechless at how incredibly self-focused I was. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I was going through all that pain because there was a man that would meet me three years later that needed to hear about Jesus. Guess what, none of this was ever about me. The break-up, the turmoil, the waiting and the wondering. I see so clearly now that this is not my life. I do not own it. I do not control it, though I try so desperately to. It is really, truly, 100% about Jesus and what He is doing.

And I am SO grateful that I get to be a part of His plan! It's worth every second of uncertainty and waiting. And there is still so much more that I have yet to experience! This is only the beginning of the road...

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